Thursday, November 30, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I was informed today that no classes tomorrow.Yahoo! Ang saya. It said in the news that a typhoon is coming and would be hitting some parts of the country including Metro Manila. I could stay up at home all day and catch some sleep. I think i'm having a sore throat again. Ugh! It kills me. I hate, hate, so hate this! It's always the common cause that leads to fever or severe cough on me.
I cant's open my friendster in my pc. Why is that so?! The page doesn't show up when i go to their site. Hmmpf! I'm busy browsing the net and updating my blog. hehe.
Monday, November 27, 2006
I love Pancake House. When i look at their menu, i even want to order all of that. I wanna taste every bit of what they offer. Expensive ayt? HAHA! Just seeing the food makes me crave. I tasted their Chicken Salad Crepe, and the pancake. I wanna go back there and had dinner or lunch again. I'm the kind of person who loves to eat anything that suits my taste. I love trying out foods whether exotic, sweets, and a lot more. I have a high metabolism which means i easily get hungry. I don't eat much at one sitting. I used to eat every hour coz like i said i easily crave for food. HAHA! I love to eat rice! My lunch and dinner is not satisfied if there's no rice at all. I'm really a Filipino. hehe. Filipinos are used in eating a meal with rice. I don't get satisfied eating a burger or what like americans do. It's in the culture and it's in the blood. I remember my mom said when she had a vacation here, we we're eating at Kenny Roger's and of course, my sister and i ordered rice. Mom said:"Pag nakita kayo ng mga Italiano, pagtatawanan kayo." Haha! We just laughed. You see, different cultures has different ways of living. You know which is which and can distinguish who are the Filipinos in a foreign land.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Sunday is my rest day. For most people who has an active lifestyle, they would spent sunday on doing some things in their list like hanging out or whatsoever. But for me, i'd would rather stay at home and have some sleep. I also do my own laundry , and of course it's my only time to clean our house. We don't have any maids. We grown up doing the household chores on ourselves. Even if my mom is away, we still manage not to hire any helper. Anyway, i'm used to it. It's just a matter of budgeting your time. Every minutes count in this world.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Happy feet is such a hilarious, funny, cool and superb movie! I mean it. It was really fun watching it. It's one of the movies this year that i could almost give a 90 % rating. You guys should watch it for yourself. I laugh at every line that the five amigos uttered. They we're really soo funny. Elijah wood voice is cute. Hugh Jackman has this sexy voice. The movie is already on the top of my list! You bet!
Friday, November 24, 2006
That photo was taken at the lobby of the World Trade center during the first day of their Noel Christmas Bazaar '06. Ewie commented that it looks like a postcard HAHA! coz of the background. But for me, it seems that i was cropted and paste in the background. We supposed to have some pictures besides Santa (of course, with payments, it's 3 photos for Php100) but decided not to because they said that they wouldn't give a soft copy like transfering it to our cellphones bluetooth, only a hard copy or print out. So we go bazaar hunting afterwards. I saw the stall of actress/host Janice De Belen, as i go along with her stall i didn't look at the tindera's face. My attention was in the blouse and then i asked "Magkano dito?" I was waiting for an answer while still looking with the quality and style of the dress and when i didn't heard any reply for about a second and someone said "Php280 lang". As i look up to the seller, phoof! it was Janice De Belen. HAHA! What an irony. But i didn't bought the blouse. hehe. It was a good experience. It's my first time to go in a bazaar in the World Trade. The last that i've been there was when we watched a Car Show with friends. I got to buy two blouses and a bargain books from Powerbooks! yipee! Another collection for me. I asked the sales lady if they have any Sidney Sheldon's novel in bargain and she said yes! then she added: "kso di ko nasama sa nga kinuha namen." Uhh, so sad for me. I'd really buy it if they have one though. Then we bought also a Belgian chocolate cake. Yipeeyep! My sister said it was good. It has a different taste compare to others.
We had dinner at MOA. We planned to watched the Happy feet movie. We thought it was in 3D. But when we asked the girl in IMAX she said they have Happy feet but only in 2D. ngeek! It's like an ordinary movie in all theaters only you'll be experiencing the IMAX theaters itself. So we agreed not watched nalang besides it's already late. Some other day though. We ate at Pancake House. Wheew! the food is really delicious. =] Sherwin treated me. Actually it was my post birthday celebration. *confetti* yehey! I was to watch the fireworks in the open area of MOA because every friday at 7:00 pm they were having a fireworks display that lasts for about 10 minutes. But as i reached the right place, aww shit! the fireworks in the sky already gone. The display is done. Hmmpp!
Great dinner. Great shopping. Great food. Great day!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
The most awaited day for some has come. The Industrial Engineering "ALMOST FAMOUS fashion and art" invades. And yeah, of course! we attended that night. We wouldn't miss that event even if the ticket is suprisingly priced! Friends and i met up at the venue. The show is about to start when we came. The waiter served us the menu of the day and i was not satisfied with the food. Anyway, the show was great! They really had a nice production. This kind of event is yearly held by the Student Council of IE. The night was really fun. We cheered for some friends who are a candidate and yelled to death to our bet. And omg! It was really hilarious.
The girlfriends and i are kilig all the way. HAHA! (I'm not gonna mention to whom anyway for private reasons. Hehe!) All i can say is that the event was more exciting, the place is much better and the crowd is really great, the candidate is more enticing to watch when they ramp, their dress is really off the beat, in short it is more fabulous compared last year.
We headed to Metrowalk, Ortigas for a night out. Although it was a thursday night(which means no lots of people at the bar) we still enjoyed. We danced till we drop. HAHA! We left the place before 3am. Rj has still a flight to catched. He dropped us at the house where we will have our sleepover then he leaved.
Hmmm, the night was so long. The girls and i didn't had any chance to bond coz we're already half asleep. It was past 4am when we all manage to sleep and hide in the blankets. A class the following day is a must to attend. I also has some plans for the next day. What is it? A bazaar in the World trade center. I wouldn't wanna miss that, don't i? HAHA!
Thanks guys for another wonderful night! =) Although the girls are not complete(karren, may and marianne didn't come) another good memories will be cherised(ay, mushy! haha!)
Monday, November 20, 2006
Yeah, it's my 19th birthday. And so what?! I don't feel like it's my birthday. I don't know. D ko lam kung matutuwa ba ako.Siguro nga dapat matuwa kc araw ng kapanganakan ko. Dapat icelebrate ko na andito pa rin ako sa mundo at nareached ko ang ika-labingsiyam na kaarawn ko. Salamat sa mga bumati. I appreciate it. Most especially sa ibang mga classmates ko, pero sa mga hindi nakaalala ewan ko nalang. Akala ko pa namn babatiin nla ako kahit sa txt lang pero maski paradam galing sknila wla ako naramdam. Akala ko pa naman khit hindi na ko nakakasama skanila, maaalala nla ung bday ko pro mali pla ako. Cguro nga hindi na ako ganun kaimportante sknla. My kanya-kanya na kc cgro kme buhay at marahil, hindi na ako bahagi ng kasalukuyan nlng buhay. Marahil, isa nalang ako sa mga dati nilang nakasama. Hindi naman din ako kawalan sakanila. I should learn how to let go.
Birthday ko, and i admit i am not that happy. Maraming kulang, i don't consider this as a special day. Hindi ko maramdaman. Something is wrong, something is missing. Fullfillment? Companion? Happiness? Insecurities? I don't know. Siguro nga my kanya-kanya na kame buhay. Hay, nakakalungkot. Gusto ko umiyak pero lang tumutulong luha sa mata. Gusto ko ipagsigawan sa mundo pero wlang lumalabas na boses.
Eto na nga siguro ang pinakamalungkot kong birthday :( sa maraming kadahilanan. I don't want to elaborate the rest but what stated above are just some of the reasons. I feel like i'm left alone. Parang wala na akong kakampi.It seems that it's only me againts the world. But i still thank those people who stick with until now. I know there are only few but your existence in my life is very much appreciated. We may not vocal with each other, but i consider it as a special bond.
Life is really unfair. Things and people really do change. I thought i was strong enough. But there still comes a time that my tears starts to drift into my face. There are still moments when realization strikes me and i can't do anything about it. I just pretend that nothing happens. Like the saying goes: "Smiling has always been easier than explaining why i'm sad." And it's true. It's been hard for me to speak out my griefs, my insecurities, my problems, my loneliness for people might not understand me. As you really grow older, life becomes more difficult to deal with, more hard to explain and be addressed.
I feel lost. I still don't know where to find myself again.
* Tnx for the birthday cake that you bought for my birthday. Much appreciated and sorry for everything i done that hurt you for most of the time. (You know who you are)
Sunday, November 19, 2006
hail to you Pacman!
Manny Pacquiao won over Erik Morales in their rematch in Las Vegas. Proudly Pinoy! You made us champion again Pacman! Hail to you, HAHA! We've been waching his game and i can't beleive he KO Morales in the 3rd round. That fast? ! Nevertheless, he still won. Erik Morales career is over. He was defeated again by Pacquiao. It's going to be the talk of the town again. News will revolved again to pacman. People from different classes united just to watch the much awaited event. I'm not a sports enthusiast but i also wait for the game to be shown in tv although it's not a live telecast. It's good Pacman really won. He's indeed a champion in his own field.
Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them: a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.
-Boxing legend,Muhammad Ali
Saturday, November 18, 2006
"If you tell me, i may listen. If you teach me, i might understand. But if you involved me, i will learn".
Have a happy weekend! :)
Monday, November 13, 2006
I didn't go to school today. I feel like better now compare yesterday but i still have to take some rest. Yeah, i did had a fever. But, i'm kinda ok na. I still have to rest to recover. Baka daw kc mabinat ako. So, i can't make it to my exam at 12pm. Poor me. :( I even have this silly thought of going to school today and just had my exam and goes home afterwards. No more side trips like going to mall. Silly me! The ride for going to school and back and forth takes about 3-4 hrs! Then i just took a nap and forget the thought.My headached keeps coming back. I felt it again this evening. My medicine was not continuous. I alwasys fell asleep whenever it's time for me to take my med again. I have to make it on time! Then my throat is starting to feel like i will have a cough again! Pheww! So many reasons to get sick!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
I woke up this morning with a headache. I don't know what happened but absolutely i'm sick! I know it was caused by my restless body plus the fact that i got really tired last night. My dad said i was over fatigue. I stayed up in the computer late at night and just had some sleep this past several nights. I know i was to blame. You know sometimes, the net could be very addictive. It's very tempting to use the internet and grab all the things it can offer you. I know i have to stay focused and learn how to handle temptations.
My head is really aching soo bad. I'm staying up in bed and sleep all day. I was not even in the mood to eat. I feel liked vomiting all the food that i take. I'm staying up in one room and don't have the chance to play with my nephew and mingle with the family for i might spread the virus to them (yeah, i feel like i have this contagious disease.) but i understand that it's better to prevent it from spreading especially in your housemate.
I need a massage. Parts of my body is also shouting for a good massage. Ang sakit ng mga kasukasuan ko! I asked my dad to massage me for a while before i go to sleep. (that's what we do when our body is aching). I have a midterm tomorrow in my laboratory class. I just hope i would feel better by then. It's hard to miss an exam. I'm not used in asking professor for a special exam coz i want to do it in a given date. I'm not better late than never type of girl. I want all to be in normal pace.
Time for sleep! I need it coz i feel like drowning in hell with the severe headache groogy dizzy feeling.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
We watched a play entitled "Anatomiya ng Korusyon" in Emilio Aguinaldo College. I liked their auditorium. They have this 7-storey building in which there's a swimming pool, a gym and a lot more. I wished our school also have that kind of facilities. We enjoyed the play. It was humorous and at the same time they tackled about the ongoing corruption in our government. It shows how vicious it could get and sometimes can manipulate one's life.
By past 3pm, June and me headed to rob's place. We saw this Samsung mobile phone's exhibit at the ground flr. I was soo amazed and i want to have one of the Ultra Slim mobile of that brand. We took some pictures and try it.
Friday, November 10, 2006
We just headed to G4 and watched some movies. We've seen The Covenant movie and i actually enjoyed watching. My interest has been captured by the story. It's kinda sweet that makes me kilig but it's actually a suspense movie. It's nice. :) I thought the James Bond movie is already in theaters, well probably next week.
We stayed at Seattle's Best while waiting. We just talked some things. Then headed up to the movie house. After the movie, we stroll around the mall and guess what we saw that actually captured my attention totally?! Yess, i saw at the activity center the tiangge's that spread like mushrooms with lots of people. We joined the crazy crowd and start to look something to buy. It's great, it was really fun! I got to bought many akzesorys for me and some nice skirts. Yipee! I like the place. I miss it right?! haha! so, that's my time to shine. Anyway, it was a Shopping for a cause that will be held until sunday. So, after i left that place, i have this big smile in my face. :)
As we go along with our window shop, i saw this Santa Claus human statue that looks cute. So there i was, asked him to take a picture of me with Santa.
I looked like a kiddie fan there! haha!
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
My headache is attacking if there’s heat, traffic, pollution and noise! Sometimes, classmates are really annoying. I always complain to June that these people are soo talkative! (I won’t mention any names) I hate it when people are so immature and all they want to do is to have fun, and laugh all day! Classroom is sometimes not conducive for learning because of them, I’m starting to feel really pissed out when I hear their matinis voice. My headache is keep on coming when there are cases like that. I can’t help it.
Two consecutive exam for the day. My mind was drained. it also added to my nauseaus feeling. I feel like I’m getting sick. I'm tired. I wanna sleep, I wanna spend the whole day sleeping and just eat! I wish..
Monday, November 06, 2006
Midterm exam in my laboratory class was postponed. My prof. was not around. I’m unproductive today. I’m sleepy even in the classroom. My Constitution exam was no fun! Then followed by my OR1. It’s been such a busy day for me. There I am, procrastinating all over again. I just made my lab report 30 minutes before the time(it was supposed to be a takehome report) good thing prof. was not around so the rush report was rewrite again in the classroom. I don’t know if I will consider it a luck or coincidence. If i have a quiz tomorrow, I always give a note to myself to review as soon as I got home but I ended up not to. I just rely on my stock knowledge in the past quizzes. I know it’s not good but I can’ t help it. Blame it on me! Yeah, I know I should change that habit if I wanna graduate with good resume.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Let's take a test. Let's see how my results has gone through.. This is actually a way to know more myself and accept or deny my flaws. My Passion is Pink |
Innocent and naive, you approach sex with a virginal mindset.You tend to enjoy teasing and flaunting much more than actual sex.You're a notorious flirt, and you can pick up anyone you desire.As a result, your reputation is a lot steamier than your real sex life. |
I am a Drama Princess |
You're not over the top dramatic, but you have your moments.You know how to steal the spotlight...And how to act out to get your way. |
I am a Sunrise person |
You enjoy living a slow, fulfilling life. You enjoy living every moment, no matter how ordinary.You are a person of reflection and meditation. You start and end every day by looking inward. Caring and giving, you enjoy making people happy. You're often cooking for friends or buying them gifts.All in all, you know how to love life for what it is - not for how it should be. |
I am a 64% Grown Up, 36% Kid |
Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature.Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed. |
I am A Realistic Romantic |
It's easy for you to get swept away by romance...But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective.You're still taken in by love poems and sunsetsYou just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line! |
I am a Sleek Black Bra! |
Subtle, sophisticated, and classy.You're not the first woman a man notices in the room...But you're the one he remembers a week later.You need a guy who will make a lasting impression on you too! |
I am a City Girl! |
Whether you live in the city or not, you've got the heart of a city girl.You're up on the latest trends - what's hot in music, food, and fashion.And you love to be on the go. Your perfect day is filled with tons of fun.Your perfect guy is a city guy, so head to LA, NYC, Sydney, or London to find him! |
Thursday, November 02, 2006
- My class is from 10:30am to 7:30pm.
- I have a vacant hours of 3 ½ hours w/c i don't like coz of long waiting hours.
- My last period class is 3hrs equivalent to 2 period.
- I get to reach home very late.
- And when i'm home all i wanna do is crawl to bed
- No time for relaxation during this day.
Midterm is coming up next week, quizzes will be announced again in every subjects. Good thing is that, we will be having our christmas break early december. Yipee!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Halloween day was just spent at home. My sister and i prepared Sofa's (it's yummy, i swear!) courtesy of our dad's guide on how to cook. haha! Yeah, we're that lame in the kitchen. I know at our age we should already know how to cook. But what can we do?! maybe it's really not our part of the house. But i can cook instant food eh. At least i know, and actually i'm willing to learn. I even think of enrolling myself in a Culinary Art course after i graduate. Because i realized that women should be really well informed in the kitchen, and i love to be called as a Chef someday. haha! you know, it can boost your self confidence knowing that people appreciate your specialties
We didn't go to the cemetery. As i seen in tv today, there are lots of people rummaging in the cemetery right now. It so hard to travel and the place is soo jampacked! We just light some candles for the departed soul of our relatives especially my grandparents and my Tito.
I actually wanna go to a Halloween party. I never experienced that even before. I wanna try how fun it is to be part of that party. I wanna wear a pretty custome but looks scary of course! I was envious when i heard about the halloween show in Makati. There a lots of people who participated because there's a price for the best halloween costume. Even if i will not be a participant, at least i could see those people who joined and make themselves as scary as possible. uhh, maybe next year, i'll try to catch that show again.
Happy halloween guys!
Blog Archive
- Whatever. Two consecutive days of no classes. Yipe...
- NO classes tomorrow because of the coming typhoon....
- she loves to eat.I love Pancake House. When i look...
- Idle time.Sunday is my rest day. For most people w...
- Happy feet! Happy feet is such a hilarious, funn...
- Let's go Bazaar Hunting!That photo was taken at th...
- Almost famous.The most awaited day for some has co...
- My oh-not-so-fabulous birthday! Yeah, it's my 19th...
- hail to you Pacman!Manny Pacquiao won over Erik Mo...
- I met up with Sherwin @ rob's place and we watched...
- Absentia. I didn't go to school today. I feel like...
- Sicky-gurl. I woke up this morning with a headache...
- Busy saturday. We watched a play entitled "Anatomi...
- Random.There was an event in school called Mapua U...
- Answers. I got this questions from a newspaper. I...
- Consistent Headache My headache is attacking if t...
- unproductive Monday.Midterm exam in my laboratory ...
- Let's take a test.Let's see how my results has gon...
- days that i hate!The days that i hate most this te...
- Happy halloween!Halloween day was just spent at ho...
About Me
- khaye
- i'll tell you; but i'd have to kill you! :p