SPM: Overdue!
At last! I got to post an entry. This is overdue since we have to reflect something about spm especially after the third quiz last saturday pa! hehe.
Quiz 3? waah, i don't know what to say, honestly.. I had studied the lecture. And I know I understand the essence of the whole topic. But when the questions were right in front of us, I've been digging my mind what exactly the answers to that. As in the ones that came from the book. But as my memory started to traced back, I can't specifically put the correct answers. I didn't memorize all those stuff. I knew I don't have to, as long as you understand what you're reading. So I put into words all I know about the questions being asked. Even if some of those were not the real answer. What can I do? I don't know what to write. I just followed my mind to put the things which I thought were the answers.
Time constraint is your enemy while in the spot, answering the questions. But i believed that it's shouldn't be a hindrance for you to express all the anwers that you think is right or according to what you have learned.
After the exam, people or classmates were not in the mood anymore. Everyone seems to put their answers incorrect. Everybody seems to be regretful. And I, was somehow affected to their reactions that I became doubtful with my answers too. :(