Today was a celebration day for us. We didn't go to the mall. We shall save that for another day or probably on next week. Maybe will have some dinner and watch movies. =]
I'm kinda prouctive today but not academically speaking, well in some subjects though. haha! I'm still exploring some stuffs and researching in the net like i did last night. Well, maybe just a continuation. Anyway, the semestral school are already in the middle of their sembreak. In my school, we are in the end of our first month of the sem. For us, it's too fast. Then midterm is already near. Eventhough the semestral sembreak is going on (it means students has been lessen in public transportation and the likes), the traffic in SLEX is still the same. No difference.There's still lot of vehicles in highways and buses are still full during peak hours. h0w come?
Halloween day is also near. Just a couple of days from now. I don't know if our family is going to the cemetery with some relatives. We still don't have any plans. Or perhaps we will just stay in the house and just pray for the souls of our relatives especially my grandparents. I realized that as we grow older halloween party, horror movies, horror story and all that has something to do with halloween that are scary for children has been just a cliche to te oldies. Like me, i didn't even got scared with the horror movies that some tv shows been up to. Well, it's because i already know what is reality and what's just illusion is. I know how to differentiate the two.
Well, it seems that as we grow older we also come to realize a lot of things in life.