Friday, January 26, 2007

bumming around!

I'm such a bum today! I don't wanna move even a single step. All i want to do is lie down in my bed and sleep! sleep! sleep! Good thing prof in ObCon is not around that' why i got home early. School is boring this day. Nothing special. Nothing interesting. Nothing different. I can't go out after school cos my allowance is just enough for the week. I'm just a way shy to ask for an extra when we're being teached to save money and do our own budgeting of allowance. It just there were days that i exceed to my limit that's why i suffer before the month ends for a shortage . HEHE! Didn't do anything unusual in my every day life. But hell! I'm craving for adventure. My feet is itchy. Ampf! Myhow, maybe i'll just share the photos taken a while ago while me and mumay is waiting for the rest.

It's better this way, i guess.

pairing my shoes with mumay, only mine is a chuck.

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